Chung Cheng High Yishun Infocomm Clu
Monday, November 23, 2009
Email to:cchycompfreaks@live.com Remember to attach it properly
Sec 2s – Do a brochure to promote Infocomm during CCA day Exceptions: Raynold, Amos, ZengDing, Herman -> Do a HIGH quality video and brochure to promote Infocomm during CCA day, if not done well, redo!
Sec 3s – Design a logo for infocomm
1)All work is individual 2)All work must be sent to the email on 20th December 2009 3)All work must be digital 4)Plagiarism will not be condoned 5)Files label as Name_Class, eg. Wei Bin_3F
9:55 PM